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The Authority was established in July 2000 by State Assembly Bill 807 in order to “identify, evaluate, fund, and implement flood prevention and control strategies in the Pajaro River Watershed, on an intergovernmental basis.

The Board is comprised of one representative from each of the four counties and four water districts the watershed covers.

The Authority acts as a governing body through which each member organization can participate and contribute to finding a method to provide flood protection in the watershed and promote general watershed interests. In addition to flood protection, some identified benefits could include:

Meetings & Events

The PRWFPA Board of Director's Agenda and/or attachments contain information from a third party. Please contact Ana Flores at or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.

Nov. 01
2:00 am - 4:00 am

Board of Directors November Meeting


ADD TO CALENDAR America/Los_Angeles

November 1, 2024 | 2:00 am - 4:00 am

For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750


The PRWFPA Board of Director's Agenda and/or attachments contain information from a third party. Please contact Ana Flores at or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.

Levee Project

The Project plans to construct over 10 miles of setback levee and re-establish over 110 acres of historical floodplain creating significant habitat enhancement and groundwater recharge opportunities.  The Project seeks to strike a balance between public health and safety, protecting the environment, and supporting the local economy.

Visit Website
Levee Project
Lower Pajero

Our Partners

The PRWFPA Partners consist of 8 member agencies from the counties of Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz. 

Learn More